Emre Kaçan - Senior Front-End Developer image


My name is Emre Kaçan

I'm Senior Front-End Developer

Reach out me
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My Clients

Featured Clients
Rush Street Interactive
Quara Finance
Better Half

About Me

Who am I?

I am Emre Kaçan, a software engineer with a specialization in the JavaScript ecosystem. My primary focus is on developing robust mobile applications using React Native. Leveraging the power of React Native, I create cross-platform solutions that deliver seamless user experiences on iOS and Android platforms.

Additionally, I have a strong proficiency in web development, using React with Next.js. By harnessing the capabilities of Next.js, I build scalable and high-performance web applications that are optimized for modern web standards. The combination of React and Next.js allows me to create dynamic and interactive web experiences.

Furthermore, I am well-versed in TypeScript, which serves as the backbone for my development projects. By utilizing TypeScript, I ensure the reliability and maintainability of my codebases, enabling efficient collaboration and reducing potential errors.

As a remote professional, I am actively seeking opportunities for full-time, project-based, and contract-based work. With a passion for crafting innovative software solutions, I am dedicated to driving digital transformation and delivering exceptional results.

Let's connect and explore how I can leverage my expertise in React Native, React with Next.js, and TypeScript to help you build cutting-edge mobile and web applications.

My Skills

What I'm doing?

Technical Skills

React Native
Redux (Thunk, Toolkit, Saga)
REST API / GraphQL / Apollo / SWR / react-query
Jest / React Testing Library / React Native Testing Library
Tailwind CSS / Styled Components / Ant Design
Motion / Lottie
Animated / react-native-reanimated / react-native-gesture-handler
CI/CD (Bitrise / App Center / Github Actions / Vercel)
Jira / Confluence / Trello / Notion / Figma / Zeplin / Sketch / XD

Industry Knowledge

Front-end Development
Mobile Development
Agile Methodologies
Technical Leadership
Team Management


My Clients
Emre is an expert in React JS and React Native Technology with a world of experience in applying these technologies across different work industries. I would always recommend Emre to anyone in need of an expert in React JS and React Native Technology.
Arthur Ebako
Founder, CBOX Projects
Emre is a very open minded developer that involves himself into problem solving from the project/team perspective. He has this positive trait of reacting with "let me analyse & try to solve this" to unexpected bumps in the road.
Adam Labedzki
Project Manager, Netguru
Emre helped us develop a prototype of our product using React Native or release on ios and Android. He is talented, capable, and above all has amazing attitude. Great team player, great communicator. Professional, goal oriented and reliable. Winner!
Rupa Parekh
Founder, Lilokwi